Thoms Service Centre helps you to get services from government & non-goverment organozations.
Know Us and our core values
Thoms Service Centre is having a team of professionally well-versed archivists working together since 2020, providing all kind of services such as OFFICE & STATIONERY SERVICES, DISCONNECTION SERVICES, TAX SERVICES, LEGAL SERVICES, CONNECTION SERVICES, LICENCING SERVICES, CERTIFICATE SERVICES, BANKING SERVICES, GOVT SERVICES, BUSINESS MAN SERVICES, SCHOOL SERVICES, MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, DATA MANAGEMENT SERVICES, WRITING SERVICES, BOOKS, EVENT COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS, STICKERS, POSTERS. This initiate of us has reduced the risk of losing and enhances the process of preserving and retrieving the certificates, taxes, license etc as the time demands.
In this pandemic situation, people need to have access to all government services without having to go to government offices. Currently, citizens can access online services of various departments through us for each department which causes practical difficulty.We will help you to access all departments of state and central governments.
We help our clients in serving tax paying, license, certificate etc from the authorities . Also do all the office works for them.